VEU Program

Approved businesses known as ‘accredited providers’ under the VEU program.

What is the VEU Scheme

The Victorian Energy Upgrades initiative aids Victorians in modernizing their houses and commercial premises with efficient energy solutions, presenting lucrative discounts and cashbacks.
This program encourages Victorians to transition to efficient electrical substitutes, thereby assisting them in decreasing their energy expenses, moderating their energy utilization, and diminishing greenhouse gas emissions.
This initiative is set to diminish 28 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions for Victoria from 2022 until 2025. This is tantamount to removing in excess of 8.5 million automobiles from the highways for one year.



Savings delivered to Victorian Households


Savings delivered to Businesses in Victoria

78.6 million

Greenhouse gas emissions saved

How to Access the VEU Rebate

Accessing the VEU Rebate is a straightforward process designed to ensure participants can easily benefit from the program.

Initial Assessment

Conduct an initial assessment of your current Hot water and Heating and cooling, systems to determine their efficiency and identify potential areas for improvement. This will help you understand the potential benefits of upgrading and prepare for the next steps.

Find an Accredited Supplier

Locate an accredited supplier or installer within the VEU Program by visiting the official website or contacting the program's support team. These professionals will guide you through the process and ensure that you receive the appropriate rebate for your chosen upgrade.

Select Your System approved by VEU

Work with your chosen supplier to select the most suitable heating or cooling system for your needs. Consider factors such as energy efficiency, cost, and compatibility with your property's infrastructure.

Installation and Claim Submission

Once your new system is installed, your supplier will submit a claim on your behalf to access the rebate. This process ensures that you receive your financial assistance promptly, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of your upgraded system without delay.

Enjoy Your Savings

With your new energy-efficient system in place, you can start enjoying reduced energy bills and a more sustainable lifestyle. Monitor your usage and continue to explore additional ways to improve your property's energy efficiency.

About the VEU Scheme

The Victorian Energy Upgrades Scheme, formerly known as the Victorian Energy Efficiency Target (VEET) Scheme, is a Victorian Government initiative, also known as the Energy Saver Incentive. The VEU or VEET Scheme was established under the Victorian Energy Efficiency Target Act 2007 and is administered by the Essential Services Commission (ESC), in accordance with the Victorian Energy Efficiency Target Regulations 2008.

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Purpose of the VEU Scheme

The purpose of the VEU Scheme is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, to encourage the efficient use of electricity and gas by making energy efficiency improvements more affordable, and to encourage investment, employment, and technology development in industries that supply energy efficiency goods and services. The VEU Scheme is not a rebate scheme, but it can save you money, in both your home and business/organisation.

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How It Works

We assist you in reducing your carbon emissions and environmental footprint while saving money. We accomplish this by collaborating with the VEU Scheme to provide free energy-efficient and water-saving products for your house or company. 



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